Research & Legal Opinion
Our team of experts collaborate or individually conduct thorough research, discoveries and endeavour to deliver a practical solution towards intricate IP problems arising during the course of your business.
We also provide legal opinion on such matters which help Businesses to make apposite and timely decisions ultimately converting them into actions while mitigating the consequences of such actions.
We use popular subscribed databases and technology aided tools for legal and technical research, combined with intervention of our skilled human resource which includes experts having specific scientific knowledge and experience. This helps us to prepare and deliver comprehensive valuable work product which you are precisely seeking.

We use popular subscribed databases and technology aided tools for legal and technical research, combined with intervention of our skilled human resource which includes experts having specific scientific knowledge and experience. This helps us to prepare and deliver comprehensive valuable work product which you are precisely seeking.
The Firm offers legal opinion before launch of any products, conduct detailed search for evaluating and advising on protection of a subject matter under various IP categories, watch services for patents and trademarks and infringement of the IP under question.
Contracts & Agreements
We assist our clients in negotiating an IP collaboration and appropriating proper transfer of IP rights from one party to another. This includes valuation of the IP at hand, searching for potential buyer, negotiating the IP value and agreement terms and formalizing the agreement into an enforceable contract. The transfer of IP rights might be permanent, for a certain duration or till the lifetime of the IP which is decided as per your business objective.
Our in house team also manages the contract lifecycle and inform you as the contract nears the expiry term. We also draw up and execute various contracts on behalf of the Client which is associated with core IP practice such as non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements, assignment agreements, technology transfer agreements, royalty agreements, MOUs etc., devising IP policy for university, colleges, companies, etc.
We likewise service non IP related contracts which includes advising on GDPR requirements and thereby help execute various data processing agreements between parties or third party vendor agreement, software licensing agreements, business contracts, etc.